Volunteer Opportunities

Why Volunteer?
Volunteers are integral part of the hospice team – they fill the gap between patients, their loved ones, and their care team. They are trained to meet the needs of patients and families. They are unpaid and yet their service is priceless. And there is no better feeling of satisfaction than being able to serve others with a mission of compassion. By volunteering, you add kindness, quality, and meaning to the lives that you touch, as well as your own. Many volunteers describe their work as intellectually stimulating, personally gratifying, emotionally uplifting and spiritually fulfilling.
How You Can Help
Volunteering for hospice often provides precious moments to learn life’s greatest lessons, to gain the courage to face life’s most difficult challenges, and to embrace the transformational journeys of death and dying. In serving a purpose bigger than ourselves, volunteering enables us to find meaning and purpose in our lives.
ANX Hospice Care offers numerous volunteer opportunities that allow you to choose a role in which you feel comfortable and fulfilled. They include:
Patient Support – may include visiting, reading, taking walks, writing letters, interpreting for those who do not speak English, bringing in music, and supervising visits, etc.
Respite Support for Family Members – assist with household chores and allow family caregivers the opportunity to take a short period of rest.
Bereavement Support – work closely with hospice bereavement staff, including assisting a support group facilitator, serving refreshments, or sending mailings.
Fundraising and Administrative Work – provide administrative support at the hospice office, from preparing mailings or letters, to organizing fundraising events and contacting potential donors.
Special Skills and Interests – provide skilled services in areas like accounting, music, carpentry, or estate planning.
Student Interns – work in the hospice field for high school or college credit or as a community participant.
Crafts Volunteers – create pillows, lap blankets, open-in-back gowns and other items for patients.
Telephone Assistance – make phone calls to check on a patient’s status and/or just chat.
Pet Volunteers – accompany their hospice-trained pets on patient visits.
Veteran Volunteers – support and honor veterans near the end of life, usually are veterans themselves.