ANX University

All courses can be delivered live or virtually via Zoom in small group settings. Our trainers and clinical educators have decades of experience and expertise in healthcare. Advanced reservations are required.


CE Courses for Nurses


ANX is approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number CEP16855, to provide one (1) contact hour of continuing education for the following courses:

Wound Care 101 / Wound Care 102 Ostomy Care
Chronic Heart Failure (CHF) Management Surviving Dementia
Understanding COPD Understanding Stroke
READ MORE for full course descriptions


CE Courses for Nurses


Certificate Courses for Healthcare Facility Staff and Administrators

We offer a wide variety of in-service training for healthcare facility staff and administrators. Each topic can be delivered as 30 or 60 minute sessions. A small sample of our offerings include: 


Medication Management Understanding Dementia
Infection Control Assisting with Activities of Daily Living
Elder Abuse Prevention Signs of Decline: Heart Disease
The Aging Process Signs of Decline: Respiratory Illness
Safe Transfers & Lifting Signs of Decline: Cancer
Avoiding Caregiver Burnout Signs of Decline: Liver Disease
Managing Grief & Loss Signs of Decline: Renal Disease
Managing Urinary & Bowel Incontinence Understanding POLST
Advanced Directives Emergency Preparedness

For a FULL LIST of in-service training, contact your ANX Account Executive or fill out the In-Service Form today. You can also send us an email at

Certificate Courses for CNAs